Halo Desember

  Baru saja selesai mencicil pekerjaan. Lumayan lega rasanya meskipun masih belum selesai semuanya setidaknya bisa mengurangi. Tentu aku tidak akan menceritakan mengenai pekerjaanku. Tepat, sekarang pukul 00.00 masuk bulan Desember. Detik ini mulai dengan 1 Desember 2021. Sebelum aku menulis kesana kemari, aku hanya ingin mengucap syukur atas apa yang sudah berani aku jalani, terlewati. Ya, meskipun masih terasa sakit rasanya luka ini tapi setidaknya ia mampu bersahabat dengan waktu untuk terus berjalan, melanjutkan hidup. Terima kasih, luka, sudah menemaniku sejauh ini. Terima kasih waktu sudah mengizinkanku untuk merasakannya. Terima kasih untuk diri sendiri meskipun aku tahu perihnya saat ini yang masih harus aku tanggung tapiiiii semua akan berlalu. Mungkin besok saat aku bangun tidur? Atau lusa saat aku pulang ke ruang sepi? Minggu depan? Bulan depan, saat lantunan piano Holy Night mulai sering terdengar? Tahun depan? Tahun depannya lagi? Entahlah, kapanpun itu, silakan atur ...


No. It has been felt for the umpteenth time, hasn’t it? Then, why do you have to continue to drag on feeling disappointment, sadness, and prolonged adversity? Stop for a moment to just rest if your journey feels tiring, once in a while, stay away from the world around you, relax if necessary, look closely at the starry night sky and tell it all  to the night then just cry. Perhaps, and certainly a must, you need to continue your life journey.
You know, perhaps, being you is not a pleasant thing. Surely, it's like that. However, being you is also not something that can be done by everyone. That you have already understood not to be a greedy and selfish human, that doing your best for something good is a joy for you, even though in the end you have to accept disappointment.
Now you are no longer a child who is just growing up. And now, a message for you: In this life don't expect something too much ,that someday, if what you are hoping for never comes into reality, you won’t feel too deep the pain of falling. Still, live with hope, by believing that the clouds are not always cloudy, that the road is not always hollow and steep, that dusk will still be beautiful when it sinks behind the horizon, that the birds still sing and shout on the palm trees on the seashore.
Forgive and apologize to the past. Thank to all and say that you love them so much. Accept past wounds as part of your life and then allow them to pass.

Jakarta, 23 October 2019


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Halo Desember